Winning Group, a Brno investment group, bought the construction company PMK Drill. It will be incorporated into the construction holding of already owned companies under the name Winning PS.

PMK Drill, Ltd., with an annual turnover of CZK 200 million and a 15-year tradition on the Czech market, will be incorporated into the construction division of the Winning Group. It will thus complement, in particular, the activities of the Kaláb – stavební firma and PAMSTAV subsidiaries, which specialize in deliveries of complete buildings and reinforced concrete monolithic structures. This will result in a construction holding with an annual turnover exceeding CZK 1.2 billion, which will operate under the new Winning PS brand from 2020. According to PMK Drill CEO Josef Pipek, the company has been looking for a strong partner for a long time, with the aim to provide a stable background for the generational transition. The former owners will continue to work for the company in various managerial positions.

Our press releases have been published by Hospodářské noviny, Czech Press Office and at:

Press Release

As of January 17, 2019, the Winning Group Holding announced the acquisition of KALÁB – stavební firma, Ltd. The transaction will be settled and completed by mid-February 2019.
KALÁB – stavební firma, Ltd., with an annual turnover of CZK 500 million and a 25-year tradition on the Czech market, will be incorporated into the Winning Group Holding in its construction division. “I am glad that we have succeeded in acquiring a successful family business for our group. With regard to the activities of our company PAMSTAV Ltd., specializing in building of reinforced concrete monolithic structures and tiling work, and the Winning Estate Ltd – a real estate development company, it was a logical step for us to expand our portfolio by a general contractor. We see great synergy and look forward to a common future for the KALÁB construction company and the Winning Group,” said Sebastian Wagner, Chairman of the Winning Group, Inc.

“I am pleased that we have found a stable and solid partner in the Winning Group that will ensure our company continues to be successfully going forward. In the future, the activities of our family will be more intensively devoted to development, where we see a great potential for growth,” says Tomáš Kaláb, Managing Director of KALÁB – stavební firma, Ltd.

Winning Group Inc.

Winning Group Inc. focuses on searching and launching of innovative business plans. “We welcome interesting and original ideas, be it from our employees, whom we allow to implement them, as well as from outside people who can approach us as a mentor and investor for their startups,” says Sebastian Wagner, Chairman of the Board of Directors. Winning Group covers companies from several areas – construction and development, engineering and printing of scripts and diploma theses. The Winning Group portfolio includes Winning Steel, Winning Estate, PAMSTAV and Winning People, which runs the promising startup, connecting students and companies. Winning Group’s philosophy is based on the principle of choosing the best managers and creative personalities with whom it cooperates on successful projects. Thanks to this approach, the holding company continues to grow.

KALAB – stavební firma, Ltd.

Since 1993 this family construction company has completed more than 500 small and large buildings. Since its inception, it has taken pride in ensuring that customers and suppliers feel good about their long-term cooperation. Its most important and largest buildings include the architecturally interesting and structurally complex Departure Hall in Brno – Tuřany Airport and the extensive Kaskáda Golf Resort in Jinačovice.

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